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Too Late for Goodbyes - Julian Lennon (1984) 7/10/23

It's interesting to note that each of the Beatles had sons that followed their fathers into the music business.

*Ringo's sons Zak & Jason became drummers of some note.

*George's son Dhani has become excellent guitar player, who has appeared onstage with the likes of Eric Clapton and Prince.

*Paul's son James played guitar on some of his dad's records, and has released some

songs of his own.

*John's sons Julian and Sean are both musicians who have worked with each other and on solo projects.

(Side note: It's also interesting to note that Ringo's and Paul's daughters are successful outside of the music field--most notably fashion designer Stella McCartney.)

By far, Julian Lennon has been the most successful musician of the kids...with TWO Great Songs of the 80s on his resume.

Today, we're highlighting the first: 1984's "Too Late for Goodbyes" from the album "Valotte."

Note: "Valotte" is Julian's other Great Song, and we'll be highlighting it at some point in the future.

Julian described "Too Late for Goodbyes" as a "semi-hard rock" song. Cashbox Magazine went a bit further, saying "A galloping reggae backbeat and some exquisite Muscle Shoals guitar work back up Lennon’s spare lyric phrasing and lend the song a strong ride."

The song went to #1 on the Adult Contemporary Charts in both Canada and the US. On top of that, it reached #5 on Billboard's Hot 100 and #11 on the Top Rock chart. Julian hit the ground running...on a long and varied career that also included film acting, Photography, and Philanthropy, mixed in with an occasional album and single.

Quite the chip off the old Lennon block in many ways...and it all started with "Too Late for Goodbyes: a Great Song of 1984!

Tomorrow: Marvin & Jackie.

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