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Three Times in Love - Tommy James (1979/80) 6/12/23

Today, we're going to dip our toes back into the '70s...but just for a moment.

In December of 1979, '60s legend Tommy James (of the Shondells) re-appeared on the charts with his first hit in more than 8 years--and his last hit overall.

By the time March of 1980 rolled around, "Three Times in Love" was sitting at #1 on Billboard's Adult Contemporary Chart.

It certainly appeared that Tommy's original teen audience from back in the day was ready for a nostalgia-flavored song about falling in love.

The critical reviews, however, were brutal. Examples:: "Lacking energy and personality," "A derivative, dull, and lazy cross between "Afternoon Delight" and "Already Gone."

Ouch, and DOUBLE ouch.

Perhaps some of those criticisms were true, but on the other hand--and I repeat: #1 on Billboard's Adult Contemporary Chart."

Tommy James knew a hit when he wrote one...and his fans agreed--returning him to the charts, and making "Three Times in Love" a Great Song of 1979-80!

Tomorrow: Only the name was changed to protect: Dolly Parton.

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