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The Most Beautiful Girl (1973) 6/25/20

In 1973, country singer/songwriter Norro Wilson was collaborating with fellow songwriters Billy Sherrill and Rory Bourke when he came up with an interesting idea: Why not take two songs he had already written and recorded, use pieces of both, write some new lyrics, and make an entirely new song?

Well, they gave it a try, using Wilson's “Hey, Mister” and “Mama McCluskie.” (No, I've never heard of them either.)

The song they came up with was given to Charlie Rich to record ...and before you know it, “The Most Beautiful Girl” was a hit all over the world!

In the US: #1 on Billboard's Hot 100, Easy Listening and Country Charts.

In Canada: #1 on all 3 matching charts.

Elsewhere: A Top 10 smash in 9 other countries, including #1 in Belgium, of all places.

If you listen carefully, you can tell the melodies apart. Most of the song uses music from “Hey Mister” and the minor key sections come from “Mama McCluskie.”

It's Two..two..two songs in one! And together, they add up to “The Most Beautiful Girl:” a “Great Song of

the '70s!”

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