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The Morning After - Maureen McGovern (1973) 7/15/21

Today we're highlighting a "Great Song of 1973, a #1 hit...AND an Oscar Winner for "Best Original Song!"

The most amazing part? It was written in ONE NIGHT by composers Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn.

The producers of the film, "The Poseidon Adventure" needed a theme and for some reason needed it right away. Al and Joel were up to the challenge, and came up with "Why Must There Be a Morning After?"

Well, the filmmakers liked the song...but not the title, so after some lyric tinkering, it was changed to "There's Got to Be a Morning After," which became a song of hope--as opposed to resignation.

But even after the changes were made, the movie credits listed the song as "The Song from Poseidon Adventure." Accurate, but not very creative.

In the film, actress Carol Lynley sang the song. Well, actually, she was overdubbed by a singer named Renee Armand. That's the version that won the Oscar.

But as for the #1 hit version, that was Maureen McGovern.

Maureen took it to the top in Australia and the US, as well as #3 in Canada and #4 in South Africa.

And by the way, HER version was simply titled "The Morning After."

But no matter what you call it, it was still an Oscar winner, a #1 hit, AND a "Great Song of the '70s!

Maureen McGovern:

Carol Lynley (Renee Armand):

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