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Sweet Seasons - Carole King (1971) 11/30/22

In 1971, Carole King released "Music," the follow-up to her landmark 1970 album, "Tapestry."

Some critics were impressed, others not so much...but the first single off the album, "Sweet Seasons," (released in January of 1972), was--and is--a "Great Song."

It wasn't as blatantly autobiographical as many of her "Tapestry" songs, but if you listen carefully, Carole mentions having kids and building a life in the country. This reflected the fact that she moved from the New York City area to Idaho with her young daughters in tow.

Of course, you can't please everyone. Cashbox Magazine called "Sweet Seasons" a "piano pumper-thumper that's bright and breezy, but Rolling Stone called it a "throwaway."

I disagree with Rolling Stone, but more importantly, so does Jessie Mueller. Jessie is the actress who starred in "Beautiful" the recent Broadway musical based on Carole's life. Jessie has always been quick to say that "Sweet Seasons" was her favorite song in the show.

"Sweet Seasons" by Carole King, a pumpin'-thumpin' "Great Song of 1972!

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