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Ramblin' Man 1/13/20

Today's ":Great Song of the '70s" comes with a lot of great trivia.

1: The music took more than a year to compose, but the lyrics were written in 20 minutes!

2: The group was reluctant to record it because some of the members thought it was "too country." After listening to the playback, one of the band's roadies said, "That's the best I've heard since *Duane* died," and the group knew they had something special.

3: Capricorn Record executives weren't sure it should be released as a single, so they sent advance tapes to just TWO radio stations (one in Boston and the other in Atlanta) and the results were so positive, request lines at both stations nearly melted down!

4: In 1973, the song went to #7 in Canada...and #2 in the U.S., and it would have gone to #1, but Cher locked them out with "Half Breed," of all things! It was their first and only Top 10 single.

The group? The Allman Brothers! *(Founder/guitarist Duane Allman had died in a motorcycle accident in 1971.) (Odd factoid: Cher was once married to group member Gregg Allman)

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