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Ragged Old Flag (1974) Veteran's Day 2020

Today is Veteran's Day, and I am always mindful of the men and women who have served our country honorably.

In my family, that includes my late father, Harold Cook (Navy), my son, Josh Cook (Marines), my brother-in-law Dave Smith (Army), My late uncle Don Cook (Army), and on Nancy's side, my father-in-law, Orv Langhough (Army) and her late uncle, Colonel Richard Hickenbottom (Air Force).

Today's “Great Song of the '70s”, is not a song as much as it's a spoken word tribute to the flag. Johnny Cash wrote and recorded it in 1974, during the Watergate crisis and near the end of the Vietnam War. Johnny wore his patriotism on his sleeve, and it showed. “Ragged Old Flag” barely made the Top 40 on Billboard's Country Chart (#31), but it certainly made an impact.

Give it a listen...and thanks to ALL veterans for your service.

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