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Never Been to Spain (1972) 9/18/20

Singer/Songwriter Hoyt Axton wrote “Joy to the World,” Three Dog Night's “Great Song of 1971,” which we highlighted back on May 23.

The song was a HUGE hit, so it was only natural that Cory Wells, Danny Hutton and Chuck Negron would look to Hoyt for another song to record.

They found one—and it became a “Great Song of 1972!

Almost everyone of a certain age can sing the lyric, “Well, I've never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music,” and that's the point. After all these years, that particular line has become iconic.

“Never Been to Spain” is about someone thinking about places they've never been, but imagines they would enjoy them—based on similar experiences they've had. Chartwise, it reached #5 in the US and #3 in Canada, and was covered by the likes of Elvis, Cher and Waylon Jennings.

TRIVIA: The lyric section about Oklahoma originally ended like this: “In Oklahoma, born in a coma.” (Hoyt Axton was born in Oklahoma.) Three Dog Night changed it to “in Oklahoma, Not Arizona“ to make it, in their words,'”more appropriate.” I'm not sure why.

“Never been to Spain:” It has ALWAYS been a “great Song of the '70s!

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