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Magic (1975) 2/15/21 Pilot

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

The story you're about to read is true...only the name has been changed to protect the innocent. (Note: This story is rated "R.")

One day in 1975, after I finished my air shift at WOHO, I stopped by my parents house, only to be greeted in the driveway by the girl who lived next door. We'll call her "May." The conversation went something like this: May: I have a complaint. Me; About what? May: One of the songs you played today. Me: Which one? May: The one that goes, "Oh-Ho-Ho, it's My D**k..." Me: (Laughing) May: It's not funny. I don't understand how you can play a song like that on the air! Me: That's not what the they're singing. The song is "Magic" by Pilot. They're singing "Oh-Ho-Ho, It's Magic!" May: I know what I heard. Me; You might want to listen again. May: Hmphh. "May" had fallen for one of the most notorious mondegreens of all time. She was not alone. Thousands of people misheard it and complained, only to feel a little embarrassed when they discovered the TRUE lyric. Note: A mondegreen literally means a "misheard lyric, named after a 17th century Scottish ballad that went like this:

Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands, Oh, where hae ye been? They hae slain the Earl o' Moray, And Lady Mondegreen. (Actual lyric: And laid 'im on the green.) Misheard lyric or not, "Magic" by Pilot was a hit on FOUR Continents: #12 in Australia, #11 in South Africa and the UK, #8 in the Netherlands, #6 in Ireland, #5 in the US and #1 in Canada!

Here in 2021, the song is being used as the jingle for the diabetic medication Ozempic. ()h...Oh...Oh...Ozempic..."). Oh-Ho-Ho, It was "Magic" by Pilot...A "Great Song of the '70s," and a legendary mondegreen!

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