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Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' - Journey (1979) 8/15/22

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Today's "Great Song of 1979" is autobiographical...and painful.

"Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin" by Journey was written by lead singer Steve Perry after he watched his girlfriend at the time get out of a Corvette and give the driver a long, passionate kiss.


It certainly explains the opening lyric: "You make me weep, I wanna die." Steve has also explained that all the "na-nas" in the song meant that he "had no words left" to describe the pain.

But he got revenge (of sorts) when the song was released as a single from the album "Evolution."

Although Journey was already a popular band, "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' became their first Top 20 hit, reaching #16 on the Hot 100. Take THAT, ex girlfriend!

Note: The song was performed by the "Glee" cast on their pilot episode, which gave the song a nice bump in popularity.

"Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin" by Journey: A case of "No Pain, No Gain," but better yet, a "Great Song of 1979!"

Glee version:

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