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LaGrange - ZZ Top (1973) 1/1/23

Happy New Year!

We're starting 2023 with a "Great Song of 1973" by ZZ Top!

In a recent article on entitled "The Most Important Guitar Solos of the '20th Century," their panel of experts chose Billy Gibbons' guitar solos on "LaGrange" to be TWO of the best!

That's right, Billy cranked out TWO Great guitar solos in ONE "Great Song!"

As you might expect for a guitar-centric article, Guitar Player" went deep into what guitars Billy used, the musicality of his solos, and his sense of timing.

In the end, they felt the second solo topped the first, and how's THIS for a review: "With his “Pearly Gates” ‘59 Les Paul, the Reverend squawks, grunts, and chokes out so many pinch harmonics that it would be laughable if it wasn’t so damn bad ass."

I'm not sure what some of that means, but I think we all get the idea: Thanks to Billy Gibbons, "LaGrange" by ZZ Top is a "Great Song of `1973," and a "Great way to start the new year!

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