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Keeper of the Castle - Four Tops (1972-73) 1/22/23

When The Four Tops left Motown Records for a new label (ABC/Dunhill) in 1972, nothing was certain, and there was just a bit of trepidation within the group about the future--as you might expect.

Bu they--or anyone else--needn't have worried. The title cut from their first album release for ABC/Dunhill ("Keeper of the Castle") yielded the first of many more hits to come.

The Subject matter of the song was a bit unique for its time: it was a social commentary on men's roles in relationships.

It was a "Great Song of 1972...but also lesson in responsibility.

The charts show that the lesson hit home with fans and radio listeners, as the song reached #7 on Billboard's Soul Chart and #11 on The Hot 100."

The Four Tops: Leaving Motown behind, and finding a second wind with ABC/Dunhill---starting with "Keeper of the Castle!

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