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I Like Dreamin' - (1977-78) 8/2/22

When your debut single from your debut album spends 27 weeks on the Hot 100, you definitely have a "Great Song" on your hands--not to mention a great start to your career!

Nowadays, there are songs that spend far longer on charts, For example: From 2019 into 2021, The Weekend's "Blinding Lights" spent 90 weeks on the Hot 100! In 1977 and 1978, however, 27 weeks was amazing, and during that time, Kenny Nolan took "I Like Dreamin'" almost to the top!


The song about a man who dreams he has found the perfect mate and lives happily ever after, only to wake up to find he is still alone, slowly wound its way up to #3 on the Hot 100, then slowly back down until it was gone.

Well, not REALLY gone...because you can still hear it on oldies stations all over the world. After all, it was also a Top 10 hit in Canada (#1), New Zealand (#9) and South Africa (#10), as well as a major hit in Australia and elsewhere.

Kenny Nolan had a few other hits after "I Like Dreamin,'" but 27 weeks was impossible to top. It was a "Great Song of 1976 and 1977...and a dream come true!

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