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How Can I Tell Her - Lobo (1973) 9/20/22

There are "cheatin' songs," and there are "breakup songs, but today's "Great Song of 1973" is, in effect, BOTH!

"How Can I Tell Her" by Lobo is a song about a man who is begging his NEW love to come up with a way to end it with his OLD love.

He spends the entire song going back and forth: First, extolling the virtues of life with his about-to-be ex...then begging the girl he's cheating with to come up with a way he can break it gently to girl #1.

To me, Lobo comes off like kind of a weasel...although (conspiracy theory): Maybe girl #2 is pulling his strings?

I dunno, but "How can I Tell Her" was a genuine hit, reaching #4 on Billboard's Easy Listening Chart.

I'm calling it a "Great Song of 1973," because it's such an interesting hybrid: a Cheatin' Breakup Song.

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