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Hold the Line - Toto (1978-79) 4/20/21

Sometimes It's hard to believe that rock stars are real people, with real emotions, just like the rest of us.

Just imagine: You're in a band and you've worked very hard toward being a success. You've traveled by van across the country, playing in dive bars and small venues, saving up what little profit you've made so you can afford to book studio time. You've recorded demo after demo and sent them to agents and record labels...and FINALLY, after all that hard work, you sign a contract and release an album...and a single.

So what happens next? Let's go back to October of 1978: Toto guitarist Steve Lukather: "My mom called me up and said, "Turn on KLOS (Los Angeles)." It was 'Hold the Line,' and I started running around the house in my underwear, screaming, "I'm on the radio!" Lead singer Bobby Kimball: " I was sleeping and when the alarm came on, the radio was playing 'Hold the Line!'" My room was totally black and I was looking for the telephone. I called David Paich (Toto's keyboardist, who also wrote the song) and I heard him scream. He was living with his girlfriend and he was screaming around and falling over trying to get to the radio." That's real...and funny! "Hold the Line" went on to be an international hit, charting in 13 countries, and reaching #1 in South Africa as well as #5 in both Canada and the US! "Hold the Line:" A success right off the bat (after years of hard work) for Toto, and a "Great Song of '78-'79!"

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