Maybe it's me, but for years I've felt that today's Great Song of 1981, "Hard To Say" by Dan Fogelberg is a forgotten gem.
Am I right? It's Hard to Say! (Sorry, I just couldn't pass up the pun.)
But seriously, it's not the first song that comes to mind when most people think of Dan Fogelberg. ("Longer," Leader of the Band," "Same Old Lang Syne" -- any one of those might come first, and yet, "Hard to Say" was a Top 10 hit just like the rest of them.
In fact, the song (from Dan's "innocent Age" album), made it to #2 on Billboard's Adult Contemporary Chart, and #7 on the Hot 100.
Fun Fact (so to speak): Dan wrote the song while recovering from a tonsillectomy.
Fun Fact #2: Background vocals were provided by Glenn Frey of The Eagles.
On December 16th, 2007, Dan passed away--a victim of prostate cancer at the age of 56.
In 2017, he was posthumously inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in honor of his complete body of work--including his Great Song of 1981: "Hard to Say."
Tomorrow: Paul tugs and takes.