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Forever in Blue Jeans - Neil Diamond (1979) 6/25/22

Cashbox Magazine described today's "Great Song of 1979 as "a pleasant tribute to doing okay...without the glitter of wealth and fame."


Neil; Diamond himself described "Forever in Blue Jeans" as a song that shows "the simple things are the most important things."

The song is lighthearted, upbeat...and perfect for promoting the sale of blue jeans as a fashion statement. In fact, The Gap eventually used the song for just that--using Will Ferrell as a Neil Diamond impersonator. (See special link below!)

The song was a hit in several countries--reaching #2 on Billboard's Adult Contemporary Chart, #7 in South Africa, and #10 in Canada!

Cashbox explained why it was such a hit with another quote: "Forever In Blue Jeans" has a restrained carnival mood with a solid jaunty rhythmic underpinning and gruff, appealing vocals."

In other words: "It's a "Great Song of 1979!"

Gap Commercial:

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