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Down By the Lazy River

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

I am enjoying the comments about my "Great Songs of the '70s" series. It's interesting to read your opinions--both "for" and "against" my choices. Everyone has their own favorites, and that's as it should be. My intent is to remind you of some of the good stuff (IMHO) you may have forgotten...and in many cases, highlight songs you might never have heard. Today, my choice may surprise you...but I have always thought this song was--if nothing else--fun! It's by the Osmonds. Yes, the Osmonds. This was before they became "Donny-centric," when Alan, Merrill, Jay, and Wayne led the group, Alan and Wayne wrote this, and the energy cannot be denied. Check out the choreography---it may be cheesy...but it's fun. It reached #4 in the U.S. and #1 in Canada!. Donny is in the mix, of course, but this is a full Osmond Brother experience! From 1972:

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