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Do You Know What I Mean? 1/31/20

There's very little to say about today's "Great Song of the '70s"... mainly because there's very little info available about the artist.

Lee Michaels had been kicking around the West Coast, for a while...playing organ, piano and/or guitar in various regional bands, and sometimes doing session work with Jimi Hendrix.

After going solo, it took him 5 albums before he had his only hit record--a single I immediately bought for my own personal collection. After that, he slowly faded into obscurity before going into semi-retirement by 1980.

In 1971, the song went to #6 on the U.S. Hot 100. In Canada, it peaked at #12.

If you're going be a one-hit wonder, you couldn't do much better than this: "Do You Know What I Mean?"

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