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Coconut - Nilsson (1972) 1/28/21

Anyone with a basic knowledge of music theory and/or performance knows that every song is built around chord changes to help the melody develop and make the song more interesting.

Well, ALMOST every song. Today's we're highlighting a "Great Song" that uses only ONE chord throughout...while increasing in intensity...and repeating the title 28 times in 3 minutes and 52 seconds. The chord is C7, and the song is "Coconut" by Harry Nilsson. Many people consider "Coconut" to be a novelty song, but it's ALSO a showcase for Harry's creative genius. It's a cute little story song about a girl who has an upset stomach and calls her doctor for a remedy. That's it. At the suggestion of producer Richard Perry, Harry sang the song in 3 character voices: the narrator, the girl, and the doctor. Perry loved the result, and likened the effect to listening to a cartoon. When "Coconut" was released from Harry's 1972 album "Nilsson Schmilsson," it quickly became a Top 10 record in Canada (#5) and the US (#8). Over the past 50 years, "Coconut" has been used in numerous movies, including "Reservoir Dogs" and "Daddy Daycare," as well as a long list of TV "ER," "House," "Lost." "Bones," "Parenthood," "The Simpsons," and "The Muppet Show."

Coca Cola even used it in commercials for Coke with Lime.

"Coconut" by Harry Nillsson: A novelty, yes...and a "Great Song, too."

If that upsets you, put a lime in the coconut and call me in the morning. :-)

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