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Black Magic Woman - Santana (1971) 12/10/21

Casual music fans may be unfamiliar with the name Peter Green.

Peter was one of the founding members of Fleetwood Mac, and wrote what was destined to become a "Great Song of 1971"--for Santana!

In 1968, Fleetwood Mac recorded Peter's song, "Black Magic Woman," which became a moderate hit (#37) in the UK.

In 1970, Carlos Santana and his band added some Latin rhythms to it and turned it into a medley with a song called "Gypsy Queen" by Hungarian jazz guitarist Gabor Szabo.

Santana's version (sung by keyboardist Greg Rolie--who later co-founded Journey), was a HUGE hit. In January of 1971, it reached #4 on Billboard's Hot 100 and stayed on the charts for several months. It remains one of Santana's Greatest hits!

Side note: After Peter Green left Fleetwood Mac, he gave away a lot of his money, which led to some serious financial difficulties. Luckily, royalty checks from his old songs, especially "Black Magic Woman," kept him from being destitute. (Thanks, Carlos!)

"Black Magic Woman:" A "Great Song of the '70s!"

Santana (1971):

Peter Green & Fleetwood Mac (1968):

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