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An American Trilogy - Elvis Presley/Mickey Newbury (1971-72) 7/4/22

On this 4th of July, I bring you a Trilogy of "Great Songs of the '60s."


In 1971, Mickey Newbury pieced together 3 songs from the Civ1l War era that covered the conflict musically in a far simpler way than Ken Burns' classic Civil War documentary did in great detail in 1990.

The songs were, in order: "Dixie," The anthem of the South.

" The Battle Hymn of the Republic," the marching hymn of the Union Army.

"All My Trials," a Bahamian Lullaby turned spiritual, representing slavery.

Mickey's version reached #9 on Billboard's Easy Listening Chart, where it caught the attention of Elvis Presley...who immediately re-arranged it, added some extra instrumentation, and 1972, made it a part of his live show, where it became a sure-fire showstopper.

Although it peaked at just #31 on The Easy Listening Chart , it gave those who saw Elvis perform it live "chills" and would make people cry.

Regardless of any politics--then or now, "An American Trilogy" is a piece of musical history that spans more than 150 years, and should not be forgotten.

Mickey Newberry (1971):

Elvis Presley (1972):

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