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Amazing Grace 1/2/20

Christian music comes in many genres, and occasionally a religious song will crossover to mainstream. Usually, it will be a rock, soul or country song, but back in the '70s, one of the most beautiful sacred hymns ever written (in 1772 by poet and Anglican minister John Newton) became an unlikely hit--twice!

In 1970, folksinger Judy Collins recorded an a capella version of the song, backed by a full choir, that reached #15 on the Billboard Hot 100 in early 1971.

The very next year, the song reached #11 by possibly the strangest one-hit wonder of all time: a British cavalry regiment known as The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards--complete with bagpipes and a full brass band.

Both versions are hauntingly beautiful and, together, I feel they both qualify as a "Great Song of the '70s:" The 1770s and the 1970s.

I am attaching links to THREE versions...I urge you to listen to all three--especially Judy's updated version from 1993.

Royal Scots Dragoons:

Judy's Original Version:

Judy's 1993 Live Version:

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